The Wall (detail in NGC 7000)


clic for 30% size 1133 x 799 (292 kB)

Clic here for 50% size 1888 x 1331 (713 kB)


This high resolved mapped image shows a part of the wall within the famous North America nebula. Ionized Hydrogen assigned to green, Oxygen-III assigned to blue and Sulphur-II assigned to red are forming a colorful and chaotic area. The red-brown parts are shock fronts of ionized gas compressed by the light of luminous nearby stars.
To the right the "gulf" area is obscured by dark dust and gas clouds.
Find a wider view of this area in mapped color here.

North is up.


Technical Details


16" cassegrain in secondary focus at f/10

Mount MK-100 GEM
Camera SBIG STL-11000M at -20C, internal filter wheel
Filters Astronomik 15 nm nm Ha for luminance, color from the F/3 image
Date July 10-11, 2007
Location Wildon/Austria
Sky Conditions mag 5 sky, temperature 15 C, seeing 2"
Exposure Ha = 330 minutes (30 minute sub-exposures), all 1x1.
Processing Image aquisition in Maxim DL 4.65, image preprocessing in CCDStack; Fitsliberator; Hubble palette comlor from F/3 image, curves, final tweaking, color balancing in Photoshop;